By Anthony Prewitt (Alpha Phi Alpha | Beta Upsilon Lambda Chapter)

Dr. King and many others like him came up in a time where hate was rampant and many were scared to take action to combat social injustice. It was those who challenged the system and demanded equality and justice that have inspired me to keep their dreams and hopes alive. I’ve learned from Dr. King that those that commit to plant the “seeds” of change and reform rarely live to see the harvest. I’m ok with that. I know that through my work and commitment to the uplift of those that look like me; their success will be mine. When I was aspiring to be a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, I saw the caliber of men and their accomplishments and I’d only hoped to be counted in their midst. Dr. King has inspired me to fight the good fight…even if it may be your last. Rest assured, until the last breath of air leaves my body, I will continue to develop leaders, promote brotherhood and academic excellence while providing service and advocacy for our communities.
Dr. King stated, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” I’m not ready to die just yet!

Author, LIFE: The Year of Me