ESHE Magazine ™ was founded by David Jordan Jr in 2014. The word ESHE is Egyptian and it means life. ESHE Magazine ™ is a life magazine that will provide insight and a deeper look into the things going on in the world today; sports, entertainment, politics, fashion, love/relationships; aspects of day to day life that affect us all. Being able to have a deeper understanding and broader knowledge about life around you will increase the life you live as an individual. Knowledge is essential to life and the quest for knowledge is never-ending. ESHE. Your Life, Your Thoughts, Your World.

Thank you for sharing your insite of the world with me. This is great ❤️!
So good to see you at the Spike Lee Event.
Our information is below.
Nice to meet you.
Keep up the great work.
It’s really wonderful to see forward thinking content being produced in our ever- evolving world. The equalization of human worth and honor for the diverse contributions that result in the greater good of all mankind are undoubted limitless throughout all color and creed. Sadly, people of color are often marginalized and depicted as less than….but it’s balanced publications like this and the countless stories and buried truth that continue to be unearthed…. that giving way to brighter day for all.
Continued Success To ESHE Magazine.
Rodney Allen Rippy
Actor, Media Executive
ESHE MAGAZINE my BROTHA you are very inspiring I hope to be in your magazine one day keep pushing may GOD continue to bless you. It was great meeting you